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Are we too late to say a big Happy New Year? We have had a busy first week of January planning the next few months. For each home, the fun-filled Planner is put up on the facebook page so that you can see what we are doing and join us if you would like to. The more the merrier, please have a look.
January is also the perfect time for staff appraisals and before our Managers get busy with the vital job of supporting, supervising and appraising their staff teams during 2020, they will be having their own appraisals. The Operations Manager Helen Haughton, will be having annual appraisals with the Registered Manager of each home and this is such a great chance to share ideas, see how things are going and find out what support we can give to each staff member from the top down. Our staff teams and the Managers who lead them are the keys to the wonderful service that we provide.
We are hosting another of our very successful Away Days for Senior Managers this month too. These are our opportunity to compare best practice and develop our service. We are looking forward to getting together at Cleeve Lodge on 21st January, thank you for hosting Cleeve Lodge team.