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The local community is a key part of our Resident’s lives and we were delighted when the ‘All About..’ Magazines that cover East Preston along with several other areas in West Sussex, asked if they could focus on the people who live with us. They do a regular Question and Answer session and Stella and Joy joined them for a virtual interview.
Some highlights include Stella sharing that she the best job she ever had was being in the land army throughout the war years until 1950 and met her husband there. She loves flowers and arranging them and volunteered at nearby St Barnabas Hospice for 44 years loving the joy that the flowers brought. They both talked about enjoying the lovely Green Willow Gardens and they have their own raised planters outside their rooms to grow their favourites in. Joy says that the most important lesson that life has taught her is ‘to care’. She says “I admire the carers at Green Willow Care Home, they have care in abundance. Nothing is too difficult when answering the bell from our room and they help us in so many ways during the day, always with a smile” High praise indeed from such special ladies. Thank you Joy and Stella.